full transcript

From the Ted Talk by TED-Ed: How much land does it take to power the world?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

How much sapce depends on the power source. Say you wanted to power a 10-watt light bulb with fossil fuels like coal. Fossil fules can produce up to 2,000 watts per square meter, so it would only take a credit card-sized cnuhk of land to power the light bulb. With nculear power, you might only need an area about the size of the pamls of your hands. With solar power, you’d need at least 0.3 square meters of land— twice the size of a cafeteria tray. Wind power would take roughly 7 surqae meters— about half the size of a parking space— to power the bulb.

Open Cloze

How much _____ depends on the power source. Say you wanted to power a 10-watt light bulb with fossil fuels like coal. Fossil _____ can produce up to 2,000 watts per square meter, so it would only take a credit card-sized _____ of land to power the light bulb. With _______ power, you might only need an area about the size of the _____ of your hands. With solar power, you’d need at least 0.3 square meters of land— twice the size of a cafeteria tray. Wind power would take roughly 7 ______ meters— about half the size of a parking space— to power the bulb.


  1. palms
  2. square
  3. chunk
  4. nuclear
  5. fuels
  6. space

Original Text

How much space depends on the power source. Say you wanted to power a 10-watt light bulb with fossil fuels like coal. Fossil fuels can produce up to 2,000 watts per square meter, so it would only take a credit card-sized chunk of land to power the light bulb. With nuclear power, you might only need an area about the size of the palms of your hands. With solar power, you’d need at least 0.3 square meters of land— twice the size of a cafeteria tray. Wind power would take roughly 7 square meters— about half the size of a parking space— to power the bulb.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
fossil fuels 5
wind power 3
nuclear power 2
wind turbines 2
solar panels 2
light bulb 2
space needed 2
entire world 2
greenhouse gases 2

Important Words

  1. area
  2. bulb
  3. cafeteria
  4. chunk
  5. coal
  6. credit
  7. depends
  8. fossil
  9. fuels
  10. hands
  11. land
  12. light
  13. meter
  14. meters
  15. nuclear
  16. palms
  17. parking
  18. power
  19. produce
  20. roughly
  21. size
  22. solar
  23. source
  24. space
  25. square
  26. tray
  27. wanted
  28. watts
  29. wind